That is a LOT of polish. Sometimes I think I have too much, but I know that, compared to others, I don't have many polishes at all. So I keep buying them.
When I was at the store buying the Disco Brites, I saw a 2 for $.99 display, so I looked and bought an L.A. Girl Rock Star polish, and a NYX polish:

On Friday, I got a couple of polishes from Walgreens, neither on sale:

I must say that I LOVE this line by Sally Hansen. The colors apply great and they wear very well. Most importantly, the prices are VERY reasonable.
Yesterday (Saturday) DH sent me to Tarjay to get the 3D glasses for the Grammys, and while I was there, I helped myself to a few inexpensive polishes. I got these N.Y.C. polishes, and they were all only a dollar:

I promised myself that, after buying these six yesterday, I won't buy so much polish for awhile. I will just concentrate on the ones I have, and doing nice manicures. BUT--and there is always a but--there are just a few more items on my "must-have" list. I hate to say it, but I need a few more China Glaze polishes. So far, this is my China Glaze "collection":

I only have forty or so China Glazes, so buying seven or eight more won't be THAT reprehensible of me!
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