Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Something New(er)

Will be getting back on track with the updates.  So much has been going on (a relocation) and I've been sort of...discombobulated.  Due to the move, almost ALL of my polish is in storage, as well as my polish-creating supplies, so I've been limited as to what I can do.  Since I knew I'd be removed from my personal belongings for WEEKS (four weeks and counting as of now, and I might not see my stuff again for at least two MORE weeks), I pre-filled eight bottles with suspension base and mixing beads, and I kept all my glitter with me so that I could play.

This is something I whipped up in the meantime.  I like it.  It went on a little...thick and sticky/goopy, but a nice topcoat of Seche Vite fixed any issues and it hardened up quite nicely!

This is my latest:

Suspension base, orange, white, and green glitter, and green shimmer powder.  I think the shimmer powder made it a bit thicker than I wanted it to be.  Next time I'll have to use less.  The white glitter consists mainly of tiny diamond shapes.  

I like it! 

It's two coats, on top of two coats of Orly's Highlight, which is a putty type of taupe color, an opaque creme.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween by way of The Haunted Mansion

The bad news: I just left my home of the past three years for the unknown!  I don't know where I'm going next or when I'm getting there.

The good news: I found some nail polish I really like...

Spent the previous week in Orlando, having a little Halloween-themed fun.  I decided to go for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party, which coincided with another favorite Disney event of mine: the Epcot International Food and Wine Festival. 

I was able to sample tasty food, beer that REALLY hit the spot on a hot fall day, and lots of sweets and treats, a must for Halloween.  I also found nail polish that I didn't even know existed, the Haunted Mansion nail polish collection!  When I saw these in the gift store near the Mansion I had to buy not one, but two!


I don't have many colors like these in my nail lacquer collection, if memory serves me correctly.  They're dark, but shimmery colors, and I know they'll look interesting worn.

As an aside, I was ALSO able to FINALLY get my hands on a set of mini Pop of Minnie nail polishes, and a couple of other Beautifully Disney mini sets!